王申林 博士,特聘研究员,博士生导师照片
1. Yang Y., Xiang S., Liu X., Pei X., Wu P., Gong Q., Li N., Baldus M.,Wang S*, Proton-detected Solid-state NMR Detects the Inter-nucleotide Correlations and Architecture of Dimeric RNA in Microcrystals (2017)Chem. Comm.2017,30;53(96):12886-12889
2. Han R,YangY,WangS.*Longitudinal Relaxation Optimization Enhances1H-Detected HSQC inSolid-StateNMRSpectroscopy on Challenging Biological Systems.Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25(16):4115-4122.
3.YangY,WangS.*RNA Characterization bySolid-StateNMRSpectroscopy.Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24(35):8698-8707.
4. Liu C., Liu J., Xu X., Xiang S.,Wang S.*Gd3+-chelated lipid accelerates solid-state NMR spectroscopy of seven-transmembrane proteins.J. Biomol. NMR. 2017, 68(3):203-214.
5. Liu J, Liu C, Fan Y, Munro RA, Ladizhansky V, Brown LS,Wang S.*Sparse13C labelling for solid-state NMR studies of P. pastoris expressed eukaryotic seven-transmembrane proteins.J. Biomol. NMR.2016, 65(1):7-13.
Curriculum Vitae
Shenlin WangPh. D.Assistant Professor
Analytical Chemistry,Biological solid-state NMR
Office:Beijing NMR center 201
Vita:Dr. Shenlin Wang is currently an assistant professor at theCollege of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering andBeijing NMR center, Peking University.Hereceived his Ph.D. degree from University of Florence at the year 2008. After post-doctoral stints at University ofGuelph, he joined the faculty at Peking University. He was awarded the 1000 plan of youngtalent program at the year of 2015.His research focuses on the development of solid-state NMR methodologies for membrane proteins, RNAs and whole-cell biological systems.
Research fields and interests
1) Membrane protein structure and dynamics by solid-state NMR;
2) RNA characterization by NMR spectroscopy;
3) Whole-cell solid-state NMR;
Selected Publications
1. Yang Y., Xiang S., Liu X., Pei X., Wu P., Gong Q., Li N., Baldus M.,Wang S*, Proton-detected Solid-state NMR Detects the Inter-nucleotide Correlations and Architecture of Dimeric RNA in Microcrystals (2017)Chem. Comm.2017,30;53(96):12886-12889
2. Han R,YangY,WangS.*Longitudinal Relaxation Optimization Enhances1H-Detected HSQC inSolid-StateNMRSpectroscopy on Challenging Biological Systems.Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25(16):4115-4122.
3.YangY,WangS.*RNA Characterization bySolid-StateNMRSpectroscopy.Chem. Eur. J. 2018, 24(35):8698-8707.
4. Liu C., Liu J., Xu X., Xiang S.,Wang S.*Gd3+-chelated lipid accelerates solid-state NMR spectroscopy of seven-transmembrane proteins.J. Biomol. NMR. 2017, 68(3):203-214.
5. Liu J, Liu C, Fan Y, Munro RA, Ladizhansky V, Brown LS,Wang S.*Sparse13C labelling for solid-state NMR studies of P. pastoris expressed eukaryotic seven-transmembrane proteins.J. Biomol. NMR.2016, 65(1):7-13.